Pay forward your Service NSW Discover Voucher to help kids in need.

A random act of kindness goes a long way!

Published 29 Mar 2022

Just one act of kindness that you perform may just turn the tide of another persons life.

Oakvale Wildlife Park is complimenting the NSW Government’s Dine & Discover Scheme, by helping Pay Discover Forward to kids in need through a random act of kindness.

By redeeming your Discover Voucher here, one of three children’s charities will receive 2 x Oakvale Wildlife Park entry tickets on your behalf.

A big thank you to our friends at Symbio Wildlife Park who conceived this idea and worked together with Service NSW to implement this wonderful act of kindness!

Kids with Cancer Foundation Australia is a not for profit organisation that provides financial assistance to families of pre-teen children that are experiencing financial hardship due to their child being treated for cancer. We pay for things such as household bills, grocery vouchers, car repairs, rents, mortgages, wigs and sadly funeral expenses. We also fund important clinical positions and support cancer research in our hospitals right across Australia.

Camp Quality gives kids facing cancer the chance to be kids again. Camp Quality’s services and programs are created specifically to support children aged up to 15 years, who are dealing with their own cancer diagnosis, or the diagnosis of someone they love, like a brother, sister, mum or dad. Camp Quality provides kids, their siblings and parents, with fun experiences, education, specialised cancer care, counselling and a supportive community; in-hospital, online, at school and away from it all on camps and at our retreats. Camp Quality raises funds to ensure the 8,900 kids facing cancer, who are registered for our services and programs, have the chance to just be kids again and create positive memories that change their cancer story. We rely almost entirely on the generosity of everyday Australians, major donors, corporate partners, trusts and foundations, to help us provide our services and programs free of charge.

Run DIPG We are a charity dedicated to improving outcomes for patients and their families impacted by the deadliest form of childhood cancer – the brainstem cancer, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) also known as diffuse midline glioma (DMG). It is our mission to raise awareness of this disease and to generate funding to support the advancement of DIPG/DMG research. With no treatment options currently available, except palliative radiotherapy, we advocate for the timely and innovative development of anti-DIPG/DMG therapies, and, improvement to current standard-of-care management.