The Centralian Bearded Dragon has a harsh, spiky appearance with a grey, yellowish, reddish-brown to orange body. If approached in the wild, the bearded dragon's usual response is to freeze and rely on its camouflage. If further threatened they puff themselves up, extend the 'beard' under the throat and open the mouth wide.
These dragons occupy the south western regions of Queensland, south western areas of the Northern Territory, central New South Wales the very north west of Victoria and the eastern parts of South Australia excluding the coast from Port Augusta to the Victorian border.
The lifespan of many of our reptiles has not been studied in great detail, many are considered to live an average of 20 - 30 years.
Up to 60 cm in length.
Leaves, fruits, berries and flowers make up 80-90% of their diet. Insects make up the balance of the adult diet and the majority of the juvenile diet.
The Centralian Bearded Dragon commonly inhabits open forests, woodlands, scrub and even some disturbed areas such as farmland.
In spring male dragons keep a close eye out for passing females, attracting their attention with a series of frantic head bobs and arm waving. A month or so after mating, the female lays a clutch of 10 - 20 oval shaped white eggs. These are laid in a shallow hole dug into the soil in an open sunny spot. The eggs hatch after around 2 months of incubation.