Oryctolagus Cuniculus


An old breed thought to have originated as early as the 16th or 17th century, around the city of Ghent, Belgium. English records show that in 1860, travellers from the continent spoke of an enormous rabbit found in France. At the time English rabbit breeders were breeding rabbits around 3.18 to 3.64 kgs and were struggling to meet the growing demand for rabbit meat and fur.


While once thought to inhabit Belgium, they now only exist in the domestic pet industry.


8 - 10 years.


The original Flemish Giant rabbits weighed in about 6.3kgs and the first breeding standards were written in 1893.


Herbivores, eating a variety of fruits, vegetables and plant matter such as grass and plants.


They live in grasslands, forests and meadows.


With a gestation period of 33 days, they give birth up to 15 young.