Tiliqua scincoides intermedia


Similar to other blue-tongued lizards, the Northern Blue-tongue Skink has very distinctive patterning. They tend to be bright orange to soft peachy orange or even a yellowish colour with darker stripes along their sides and backs, with a lighter, creamier colour on their bellies. Their legs are short and small compared to the length and width of their bodies.


Found in Eastern Australia and less arid parts of central and western Australia.

Oakvale Distribution Maps Blue Tongued Skink
Blue Tongue Skink Distribution Map


45 - 60cm from tail tip to head and weigh 284 - 510g.


Includes vegetation, berries, flowers, insects and snails.


Inhabits woodland and grassland but readily adapts to urban and suburban gardens where it plays a valuable role in controlling pests such as slugs and snails.


Females give birth to live young. The embryos develop in the female’s oviduct with the help of a placenta. They have a gestation period of approximately 100 days and give birth to around 6 - 10 fully formed young.