They have a moderately slender body and a long narrow head, wider than their neck. Its scales are smooth and have a soft sheen. A single colour of olive, greenish-brown, reddish-brown or off-white.
Olive Python lives on the Queensland Northern Territory border following the coast to northern Western Australia. There is a subspecies of Olive Python found within the Pilbara region of Western Australia.
The lifespan of many of our reptiles has not been studied in great detail, many are considered to live an average of 20 - 30 years.
The second-largest Python species in Australia, the Olive Python grows on average to 3.5 metres however the sub-species which are found in the Pilbara region of Western Australia frequently reaches 5 metres.
The diet of the Olive Python consists of lizards, snakes, mammals and birds.
The Olive Python is found in woodlands, or dry shrubland and grassland. Particularly along rocky gorges with permanent waterholes.
A female Olive Python lays 8 - 30 eggs per clutch. The large eggs measure about 100mm by 50mm. After slitting their eggshells, juveniles may remain with only their heads protruding for a few days before emerging completely.