Dendrocygna eytoni


The Plumed Whistling Duck is one of two whistling or tree ducks found in Australia. It is a tall, long-necked duck, with very prominent long lanceolate off-white plumes edged in black along the flanks. The face and foreneck are light, the crown and hind neck are pale brown and the brown feathers of the upper back are edged buff. The breast is pale chestnut, finely barred in black. The bill is mottled pink and grey and the legs and feet are pink.


Mainly found in the northern and eastern tropics of Australia, it also extends southwards to New South Wales in the east but does not come far south of the Kimberleys in the west.

Oakvale Distribution Maps png Plumed Whistling Duck
Plumed Whistling Duck Distribution Map


8 - 10 years.


Between 40 - 60 cm in length.


They graze on tropical grasses. They pluck grass and also take food from the water by dabbling from the surface.


Grasslands, lagoons, swamps and mangrove creeks.


Breeding season is between February to April. They are monogamous, and pair-bonds are life-long. The nest is a scrape in the ground, sparsely lined with grass, usually under the shelter of a bush or other vegetation. The female will produce 8 - 14 eggs and will incubate the eggs along with the male for approximately 30 days.